Please note: this course has now passed, but you can click here to see the next photography courses we have scheduled.
Saturday, September 5th from 10.00 am to 5.30 pm. £85.00 per person. Contact us to request a booking form to reserve your place.

This one day course is being run exclusively for Nikon dslr users in the beautiful Derbyshire Peak District. Join fellow Nikon shooters at a wonderfully remote cottage which a previous student described as “amazing” (see here for more details). It is situated well away from the nearest road, with its own car parking, and the site has protected status for both its archaeological and environmental importance. There is a fantastic range of subjects right outside the cottage door – including very photogenic ruined industrial buildings and rare wild flowers. The site is also a superb location for open skies and sunsets, and there will be the option of staying on until dusk (at approx. 8.00 pm) if conditions are good.
The course will be a mixture of practical photography outdoors as well as demonstration of some of the lesser-known and/or more advanced features of Nikon dslrs. You will learn tips for getting the best possible quality from them – especially when shooting in RAW format. We will also be bringing along a laptop to demonstrate some of the software you can use to download, view, sort and edit your digital images – whether you shoot in JPEG or RAW format.
Please note that this course is an intermediate level course, designed for photographers who are already familiar with their camera’s basic controls for controlling exposure, focussing etc. If you are not already familiar with those, you may find one of our beginners’ digital photography courses more suitable for your needs.
The course is being led by Chris James, a professional photographer who has been shooting Peak District landscapes with Nikon film and digital slrs for over 25 years. He is also an experienced user of Nikon software for viewing and editing images, though he now uses Adobe Lightroom as his preferred application. He also has extensive knowledge not only of Derbyshire and the Peak District in general, but also more specifically of the history of the site where the course is being held.
The course runs from 10.00 am to 5.30 pm. For lunch, we will go to the local pub which is only 10 minutes’ walk away across the fields – or you can bring a packed lunch if you prefer. Places will be limited to a maximum of 6 persons, and cost £85.00 each (not including lunch).
Please contact us if you would like a booking form to reserve a place on this course.